Brandon Quinn as Tommy Dawkins
place of birth: Denver, Colorado
date of birth: October 27, 1977
height: 6' 1"
eyes: light brown
hair: brown
currently lives: Los Angeles, California
Special info: has the skill of using femme, British, street thug, and New York
snowboards, water-skis, plays football and soccer, skateboards, swims, and
wrestles, among other athletics. (wow what a guy!) I heard that he was allergic to the
make-up they
used for him so that's why they changed it.
Dancing: Hip hop
Danny Smith as Merton Dingle
place of birth: Pickering, Ontario
- Canada
date of birth: October 2, 1977
height: 5'8
eyes: blue gray
hair: Strawberry blond (dyed black for Big Wolf)
currently lives: (apartment in) Toronto, Ontario-
Special info: plays guitar, piano, and sings
favorite actor: Nicholas Cage
other info: used to be in a band (Hank) but left to
pursue a solo carrer.
Wrote and performed the Big Wolf on Campus theme song!
Special Thanks to Mertonette and "Iamdannysmith" (from the guest book!!!